A poem to commemorate dennis's road rash, broken rib, concussion and the bruising of his fourth cranial nerve
Normally I admire a crow.
I admire the crow, the color of the sky
And the shape of the asphalt
That offers a way down and away.
I find you at rest
Arresting my attention,
So that the vertical bike between my legs
Is dropped as soon as I can stop.
Yours and you are joined at your foot
Where you lie head slightly down hill in the dust
Your legs and arms apart
As if frozen in the act of making snow angels.
I do not understand the swerve
Or the avoided stop that caused the swerve
But I see a body caught as with a flash,
Your only movement is your leaking.
Your eyes are silence,
Your mind curving free and wild and alive,
Floating in the color with the crow.